Masuk Daftar

sama benar bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "sama benar"
  • sama:    alike; as broad as it is long; coequal;
  • benar:    be correct; be right; correct; effective; hold
  • benar:    be correct; be right; correct; effective; hold water; right; the true; true; truthful; for real; righteous; rightly; very; appropriate; actual; highly; quite; accurate; staunch; existent; gospels; o
  • benar!:    well to be sure
  • benar-benar:    actually; aptly; authentically; nothing short of; quite a; really; sure enough; through and through; to the backbone; absolutely; acutely; do; rank; real; simply; truly; near; sincerely; precisely;
  • sama:    alike; as broad as it is long; coequal; congruous; correct; equal; equivalent; identic; identical; same; uniform; as; common; comparable; corresponding; ditto; even; fifty-fifty; like; square; tanta
  • benar-benar ada:    real
  • benar-benar bersifat pribadi:    be completely private; completely private
  • benar-benar harus:    do have to
  • benar-benar ingin:    do want to be
  • benar-benar kering:    bone dry
  • benar-benar melaksanakan:    did perform
  • benar-benar melakukan:    do perform
  • benar-benar mengenal:    versed; conversant
  • benar-benar siap:    all ready
  • Well, he's out of his giant mind.
    Kita diperlakukan dengan cara yang sama, benar?
  • But that's the same thing, right?
    Tapi itu kan hal yang sama, benar kan?
  • All these different ways to express the same thing. Fine.
    Semua ini memiliki arti yang sama benar 'kan?
  • We both wanted the same thing, right?
    Kita keduanya menginginkan hal yang sama, benar?
  • And except for the tail, they even rather look alike, don't they?
    Kecuali buntutnya, bahkan mereka kelihatan sama, benar?
  • Just as righteous your family is... your character is just as righteous.
    Yang sama-sama benar dengan keluargamu adalah ... Karaktermu sama benar.
  • Dupre and Willis went into cardiac arrest at the exact same time, right?
    Dupre dan Willis berhenti denyut jantungnya pada saat yang sama, benar?
  • Same way tonight, right?
    Malam ini sama, benar?
  • There must be other donut shops that delivered to that same area!
    Pasti ada toko donat lainnya yang mengirimkan pesanan di wilayah yang sama! Benar?
  • And the same thing is true for people who are in absolute crisis. Right?
    Dan hal yang sama benar juga untuk orang-orang yang dalam krisis, kan?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2